Apprehension indica una mente preocupada con miedo y ansiedad <approached the journey with great apprehension>. antonyms: confidence
Foreboding connota un miedo opresivo, irracional o indefinible <a mood of anxiety and foreboding about what the next week would bring>.
Misgiving connota inquietud y desconfianza <he had misgivings about her from the start>.
Presentiment indica una sensación indefinida o extraña de que algo, a menudo desagradable, está por ocurrir <a presentiment that some of our group would not survive>.
Dread enfatiza al menos ansiedad extrema <her dread of the exams> y frecuentemente gran temor <survivors of the tsunami now viewed the ocean with dread>.
Premonition implica una expectativa no racional de un evento frecuentemente desagradable <premonitions of disaster>.